From this page, you can upload CAD and other associated data files securely and directly to the UW-WNF E-Beam data server.

When you upload a GDS-II pattern data file, please, please, please also send the following information, either in an accompanying document that you also upload, or in an e-mail (click "Contact Me" at the bottom of this page.)

During the file upload, there will be no progress indication that the file is uploading. (I'm a e-beam guy, not a super-duper website builder.) The second row of the table below will update when your file upload has finished. If it reads anything other than "Success!" then your upload failed due to the reason indicated.

Note that you must now answer a simple math question in order to upload a file. If you do not provide the correct answer, no file will be uploaded.

UW-WNF EBL File Upload
Allowed Types: gds, gdsii, cif, jpg, gif, png, zip, rar, txt, doc, pdf, ppt, docx, pptx, xls, xlsx
Max size per file: 5242880kb.
Max size for all files combined: 5242880kb.
Select File:
Select File:
Select File:
Select File:
Please prove that you are human by answering this simple math question:
What is 1 + 8 =